...you do not talk about Imaginary Girlfriend Club.
I feel compelled to offer some off the cuff reactions to the events of the last couple weeks:
- Everyone knows I was kidding a few weeks back re my bell curve distribution of Reality, right? (Note to self: cc football team on all future radical theories.)
- If this week was a movie, I think we all know what it'd be.
- The Chinese say, "May you live in interesting times.." How's that working out for you, Manti?
- A lot of terrific, well thought, balanced points of view on L'Affaire T'eo, starting with Pat Fordeand Pete Thamel... but one I ran across today, by Bonnie Bernstein, had the most plainspoken rationale that I, personally, can sign up for. Try this on for size:

everything holds up: Manti Te'o was duped by a guy who had a prior history of
“catfishing.” He was completely mortified. He lied to avoid further humiliation
and any distractions for Notre Dame en route to the BCS Championship.
still leaves some holes. Why did Te’o say he met Lennay Kukua at Stanford and
tell his father they’d spent time together? Was he was embarrassed about
meeting someone online? Quite possibly. I know people who have fudged
cyber-setup stories. Didn't Te'o think it was bogus that Lennay canceled/ no-showed
every time they were supposed to meet? Yup. But I can personally attest to how
love can distort the rational thought process. Make you think things are ok.
That all the excuses are copacetic - even though outsiders looking in would
scratch their heads. Especially young love. And if Te’o is as devout a Mormon
as he so proclaims, and he’s a virgin, the value of the emotional bond might
supersede the physical. Who are we to judge?
ultimately, here's what it comes down to for me. I don’t subscribe to the
notion "a lie is a lie is a lie." I really do try to understand the
psychology behind it. Manti Te'o had an inspirational story that was embraced
by Golden Domers, and lots of non-Notre Dame folks, at a time when the Irish
were finally emerging from obscurity. He appreciated the support, especially
with the Heisman dangling. Probably even reveled in it a little bit. And you
know what? What 21 year-old wouldn't? What 41 year-old wouldn't?
then, Te’o found out he was flat-out Punk'd. Imagine getting that phone call.
“Hi. It’s your dead girlfriend.” The confusion. The anger. The embarrassment of
knowing that you, one of college football’s top defensemen, just got sacked.
And you were too naïve to see the oncoming blitz.
consciously chose to continue perpetuating the story line Don’t get in the way
of the team’s run to a national title. Figure out how to handle this mess publicly
when we get back from Miami, he probably thought. Does that make him a liar?
Yes it does. Does it make him a liar of Lance Armstrong proportions? Did he
irreparably hurt anyone? Does it make him a bad kid? In the grand scheme of
things, my gut tells me… no.
2. Looking forward to next year, a couple 'A' Lot promotions to anticipate:
a. Wear a stylish green lei (and seen in the blog's cover pic) and win a prize!
b. Bring an imaginary friend and win a prize! (Feifar has already claimed Danny 'n Tony from The Shining - but the Grady twins are still available...) As is Donnie Darko's Frank.
a. Wear a stylish green lei (and seen in the blog's cover pic) and win a prize!
b. Bring an imaginary friend and win a prize! (Feifar has already claimed Danny 'n Tony from The Shining - but the Grady twins are still available...) As is Donnie Darko's Frank.
In the meantime, a good man needs your vote...
If you're receiving any solicitations from ND Alumni Association re voting on the next batch of Alumni Board representatives, don't blow it off - one of our classmates is running! One we like. Check it out on-line here:
Don Wittgen ’79
Assistant Vice President, Finance
ACE Group, Combined Insurance
Hawthorn Woods, IL
Wittgen works in the insurance industry and has held numerous roles in the Notre Dame Club of Lake County, including treasurer of the scholarship committee and leader of professional networking activities with Chicago-area Notre Dame clubs and the Mendoza College of Business. He is a Eucharistic minister and lector at St. Mary of the Annunciation, Fremont Center, and is a member of the Illinois CPA Society.
Mission Statement
I want to continue and expand my Notre Dame service by serving on the Alumni Board. During my four years in the Notre Dame Club of Lake County, the last two as treasurer, we have held a wide variety of events that have earned us Program of Excellence and Special Citation awards and three Outstanding Club nominations. We have initiated networking events to assist new graduates and our members in transition. We have also partnered with the Chicago-area clubs and the Minority Alumni network for events and activities.
My experience working with other clubs in the region has shown me the power and value of shared ideas and programs. As the regional representative, I would encourage and facilitate increased collaboration among clubs. If I have the privilege of serving on the alumni board, I will use my experience to help clubs bring Notre Dame to their communities in new and innovative ways.
Assistant Vice President, Finance
ACE Group, Combined Insurance
Hawthorn Woods, IL
Wittgen works in the insurance industry and has held numerous roles in the Notre Dame Club of Lake County, including treasurer of the scholarship committee and leader of professional networking activities with Chicago-area Notre Dame clubs and the Mendoza College of Business. He is a Eucharistic minister and lector at St. Mary of the Annunciation, Fremont Center, and is a member of the Illinois CPA Society.
Mission Statement
I want to continue and expand my Notre Dame service by serving on the Alumni Board. During my four years in the Notre Dame Club of Lake County, the last two as treasurer, we have held a wide variety of events that have earned us Program of Excellence and Special Citation awards and three Outstanding Club nominations. We have initiated networking events to assist new graduates and our members in transition. We have also partnered with the Chicago-area clubs and the Minority Alumni network for events and activities.
My experience working with other clubs in the region has shown me the power and value of shared ideas and programs. As the regional representative, I would encourage and facilitate increased collaboration among clubs. If I have the privilege of serving on the alumni board, I will use my experience to help clubs bring Notre Dame to their communities in new and innovative ways.
We Gotta Have A Song!
Anyone see Morrissey on Letterman last week? Who knew his music would remain so timely...
For those of you might think this is in poor taste (even by our low standards), consider this: Alvin pointed out I could've chosen The Smith's "Bigmouth Strikes Again".
Recruiting Irony
- Florida's Defensive Coordinator just quit to do the same w the Seahawks. (I'm looking at you, Alex Anzelone...)
- ND now has elite athletes falling over themselves to take official visits - far more than we have spaces - but that doesn't seem to be sitting well with all of our commitments: newly pledged speed RB Taurean Folston is now taking a visit this weekend to Auburn. (3-9 Auburn?! Seriously?)
And that level of rational behavior might just give one a glimpse into why coaches periodically think the professional ranks might be attractive.
And a Word...
sub·ter·fuge noun \ˈsəb-tər-ˌfyüj\
1 deception
by artifice or strategem in order to conceal, escape, or evade
2 a
deceptive device or stratagem
- Late
Latin subterfugium, from Latin subterfugere to escape, evade, from subter-
secretly (from subter underneath; akin to Latin sub under) + fugere to
flee — more at up, fugitive
- First
Known Use: 1573
Synonyms: artifice, chicanery, hanky-panky,
jiggery-pokery, legerdemain, skulduggery, trickery
Finally, for posterity, I must post this again. Too funny. And, yes, the '13 Game Day signs will be murder...
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